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Zeta Spy Adventure

In development Version 1 (2024/02/28)



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Game review:

Created for holojam #3 in 2 weeks.

Multiplayer game where Zeta and Bazo (two players) work together to investigate a suspicious activity. Zeta will shoot enemies while Bazo helps reload her gun and makes bombs.

Single player is also possible, with Zeta dealing with reloading by herself.

I tried playing solo and at first it's hard to keep track of ammo because there's not much player feedback and the UI is easy to miss, but then I noticed I can just reload every few shots and never run out of bullets. However, I couldn't find the right moment to use the bombs (secondary weapon).

Oh and you'll need to do some jumping to dodge some enemy bullets, keep an eye open for those!
  • Vestia Zeta
Last checked: 2024/03/08