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@Qhronoboros and less549


Released Version 0.2.1 (2024/11/03)



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Game review:

Made for holojam #5 in two weeks.

Team: @Qhronoboros and less549

You have seven days to manage Takanashi Kiara. Can you avoid stressing her out too much?

The game requires balancing the different activities of a hololive talent, such as singing, recording, doing homework and social media interactions with recovery activities such as snacking or resting to keep the stamina and stress under control.

I managed to reach day 7 but couldn't make it to the end of the day.

In English and Spanish.

Game volume is a bit loud and, as is usual with most jam games, there's no volume controls so be careful.
  • Takanashi Kiara
Last checked: 2024/12/06